Data Analysis

The Geneva Engage initiative, launched by the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) in 2016 with the support of the Republic and Canton of Geneva, and DiploFoundation, assesses the interplay between International Geneva and stakeholders worldwide which are impacted by the policies discussed and negotiated in Geneva. In this context, the annual Geneva Engage Awards aim to acknowledge the efforts of actors in International Geneva in social media outreach and engagement. 

  • International Organisations (IOs)
  • Non-Governmental Organisations and Non-Profit Organisations (NGOs)
  • Permanent Representations (PRs)



The analysis of social media outreach for the 7th Geneva Engage Awards was conducted from 1 January to 31 December 2021.

  • Number of followers and following
  • Number of posts
  • Growth and the relative growth of followers and following on Twitter compared to the previous year
  • Growth and the relative growth of posts published on Twitter compared to the previous year


  • Number of followers
  • Growth and the relative growth of followers compared to the previous year
  • A total number of posts and an average number of posts per day
  • Total interactions, i.e. sum total of all likes, shares, comments, and reactions on Facebook, and the interaction rate
  • Facebook page likes and reactions
  • Page growth and the relative page growth


  • Total interactions, i.e. sum total of all likes, shares, comments, and reactions on Instagram, and the interaction rate
  • A total number of posts and an average number of posts per day
  • Number of followers
  • Growth and the relative growth of followers compared to the previous year


For the statistical analysis, we first determined outliers in each category (both in high and low ranges) by applying the interquartile range rule:


Where IQR is interquartile range, Q1 and Q3 are first and third quartile, and OH and OL are high and low outliers, respectively. 

We used the capping of values in order to compensate for differences in the raw values (i.e. everything above value X has the maximum number of points). We have used outliers as a capping point in our case. After this step, we used the following formula to calculate the ranking in the main array which assigns points for the individual indicator for each organisation:

{"aid":null,"code":"\\begin{lalign*}\n&{P\\,=\\,\\left\\lceil \\frac{s_{i}-\\min\\left(S\\right)}{\\max\\left(S\\right)-\\min\\left(S\\right)}\\cdot24\\right\\rceil ,\\,where\\,S=\\left\\{s_{1},s_{2},...,s_{n}\\right\\}\\,for\\,s_{i}\\leq O_{H}}\\\\\n&{P=\\begin{cases}\n{P,}&{if\\,P<25,}\\\\\n{25,}&{if\\,P\\geq25}\\\\\n\\end{cases}}\t\n\\end{lalign*}","backgroundColorModified":null,"id":"3","backgroundColor":"#fafafa","type":"lalign*","font":{"size":11,"family":"Arial","color":"#000000"},"ts":1643959218083,"cs":"cHrBX3UQDJvsig2Lfsc8AQ==","size":{"width":522,"height":88}}

This way, we have rescaled the remaining values to a predetermined 25-point scale. The final result is the sum of points from each category.

Winners of the 7th Geneva Engage Awards

Honourable mentions

As in previous years, the social media engagement of one actor in each category outperformed that of other entities in Geneva by a very high margin. To this end, honorable mentions go to the following actors for their outstanding efforts, as well as the sheer quantity and quality of their social media activity:

  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) in the IOs category,
  • The World Economic Forum (WEF) in the NGOs category, and
  • Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva in the PRs category.

Online participation award

Following the tradition introduced in 2020, an additional Geneva Engage award is given for innovative and effective approaches to conducting remote meetings with the aim of encouraging new developments for the effective interplay between traditional and online meetings. CERN is the recipient of this year’s award for implementing and maintaining the free open-source service for online meetings ‘Indico’.

Top 3 entities in the ‘International Organisations’ category

Rank Entity Points
#1 United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) 544
#2 The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 493
#3 International Organization for Migration 462


Top 3 entities in the ‘Non-Governmental Organisations and Non-Profit Organisations’ category

Rank Entity Points
#1 Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance 528
#2 CARE International  and Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) 468
#3 World Council of Churches (WCC) 432

Top 3 entities in the ‘Permanent Representations’ category

Rank Entity Points
#1 Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva 516
#2 Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva 417
#3 Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva 374


About this report

The data analysis was conducted by DiploFoundation’s Data Team. The analysis was based on third-party sources; the team, therefore, cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of the results.

The Geneva Engage Awards consider the online engagement of numerous organisations each year. The annexes below include only the top 10 organisations for each category. If you have any questions regarding this report and/or the inclusion of your organisation, please email us at for inclusion in the next Awards. 

Annex I 

International Organisations

Rank Entity Points
#1 United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) 544
#2 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 493
#3 International Organization for Migration 462
#4 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) 443
#5 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 434
#6 United Nations Human Rights Office (OHCHR)  415
#7 International Committee of the Red Cross 411
#8 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 383
#9 World Trade Organization (WTO) 361
#10 International Labour Organization (ILO) 328


Annex II 

Non-Governmental Organisations and Non-Profit Organisations 

Rank Entity Score 
#1 Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance 528
#2 CARE International 468
#2 Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) 468
#3 World Council of Churches (WCC) 432
#4 UN Watch 426
#5 ILGA World 425
#6 World Scouting 422
#7 Aga Khan Development Network 413
#8 Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime 410
#9 The New Humanitarian 404
#10 International Council of Nurses 368


Annex III

Permanent Representations to the United Nations in Geneva

Rank Entity Score 
#1 United States of America  516
#2 United Kingdom 417
#3 France  374
#4 Cuba  327
#4 Philippines  327
#5 Pakistan  271
#6 Israel 260
#7 Sweden  256
#8 India 245
#9 Afghanistan 239
#10 Mongolia 232
#10 Ukraine 232