19 February 2020, World Meteorological Organization

How can big data contribute to leaving no one behind and achieving the SDGs?


09.00 - 09.30
Registration and coffee
09.30 - 10.00
Let’s start the journey
Introductory remarks
Mr. Jean-Pierre Reymond, Chargé de Mission, Head of Innovation Partnerships, Permanent Mission of Switzerland Dr Eun-Ju Kim, Chief a.i. Digital Knowledge Hub, Telecommunication Development Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Opening statements
Prof. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, Deputy Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO)
10.00 - 10.30
Keynotes on big data and data collection
Dr Steve MacFeely, Head of Statistics and Information, UNCTAD Experiences on the need for big data and the power of digital technology to drive decision making – especially for equity in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) era Dr Anthony Rea, Director, Infrastructure Department, WMO The importance of sustainable infrastructure for rapid collection and exchange of meteorological data; how technical standards and policies underpin data infrastructure and related challenges.
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 - 12.00
Parallel discussion
The two panels will run simultaneously (Rooms A and B). Participants will attend the panel session they selected at registration. The aim of each panel is to demonstrate the need for cross-sectoral collaboration in collecting data for the attainment of SDG targets, and to provide two or three key requests to be submitted at the Bern UN World Data Forum. An interactive dialogue will be facilitated.
Panel 1: Principles, standards, quality, and accelerating data collection
The panel will address data collection in vulnerable situations, and the importance of principles, standards, and guidelines to ensure data quality and use. It will also touch on the importance of disaggregated data, the power of digital technology, and the links to SDG Global Action Plan targets. Moderator: Mr Craig Burgess, Development Cooperation Specialist, WHO Panellists: Ms Rebeca Moreno Jimenez, Data Scientist, UNHCR Mr Marten Kaevats, National Digital Advisor of Estonia and WHO Digital Health Technical Advisory Group Ms Lidia Bratanova, Director, Statistical Division, UNECE Dr Oliver Morgan, Director, Health Information in Emergencies, WHO Mr Johannes Cullmann, Coordinator for Water and Cryosphere, WMO Ms Natalie Zorzi, Monitoring and Evaluation Senior Manager, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Panel 2: Sustaining data collection and the power of partnerships
The panel will address how to make partnerships work in order to leverage technical and financial resources. It will highlight the roles of local data users and national institutes for sustainable data collection, financing of data collection, alleviation of the reporting burden and links to SDG 13 on Climate Action. Moderator: Ms Clare Nullis, Media Officer, WMO Panellists: Ms Rosy Mondardini, Managing Director, ETH/UZH Citizen Science Centre Mr Olcay Ünver, Vice-Chair, UN-Water Mr Jos Verbeek, Manager and Specialist Representative, World Bank Mr Luca Pupulin, Executive Director, IMPACT Initiatives Mr Dimitar Ivanov, Director, Public - Private Engagement, WMO
12.00 – 12.30
Main action points for the UN World Data Forum
Summary of the outcomes of the two panels and the main action points on data collection to be submitted to the third UN World Data Forum
Summary of interactive dialogue
Ms Antonia Gawel, Head, Circular Economy and Innovation, World Economic Forum (WEF)
Closing remarks and the next steps on the Road to Bern
Prof. Jovan Kurbalija, Founding Director, DiploFoundation, and Head, the Geneva Internet Platform
12.30 – 14.00
Informal networking lunch


Mr Jean-Pierre Reymond
Dr Eun-Ju Kim
Prof. Petteri Taalas
Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab
Dr Steve MacFeely
Dr Anthony Rea
Mr Craig Burgess
Ms Rebeca Moreno Jimenez
Mr Marten Kaevats
Ms Lidia Bratanova
Dr Oliver Morgan
Mr Johannes Cullmann
Ms Natalie Zorzi
Ms Clare Nullis
Ms Rosy Mondardini
Mr Olcay Ünver
Mr Jos Verbeek
Mr Luca Pupulin
Mr Dimitar Ivanov
Ms Antonia Gawel
Prof. Jovan Kurbalija