Tuesday, 26th May 2020, online

Sharing data: Towards a data commons


Tuesday, 26th May, 2020
09.00 - 09.45
Virtual welcome coffee on REMOTELY GREEN*
10.00 - 10.30

Jean-Pierre Reymond, Chargé de mission, Head of Innovation Partnerships, Permanent Mission of Switzerland in Geneva

Welcome and opening remarks

Dorothy Tembo, Executive Director ad interim, International Trade Centre (ITC)

Eckhard Elsen, Director for Research and Computing, Member of CERN directorate

10.30 - 11.30
Session 1 – Setting the scene :
Benefits and risks of sharing/not sharing data

The panel will discuss the two following questions :

  1. Where international organizations, governments and businesses
    stand on data sharing and what are the benefits and risks ?
  2. What prevents data sharing and what can be done to address these challenges?
    • Robert Koopman, Chief Economist, World Trade Organization
    • Diego Kuonen, Professor of Data Science, GSEM, University of Geneva & CEO, Statoo Consulting
    • Nuria Oliver, Chief Data Scientist, Data-Pop Alliance
    • Thierno Ibrahima Diop, Lead Data scientist at BAAMTU, GalsenAI Cofounder, Zindi Ambassador

Moderator: Marion Jansen, Director and Chief Economist, ITC

11.30 - 12.30

The brainstorm session will gather small groups of panellists and participants (maximum 30) to discuss the two questions below. Each group will provide one proposal for each question. These proposals will be submitted to the participants appreciation online early afternoon and discussed by panel 2 :

A. What is required from international organizations to work with stakeholders such as governments and businesses towards “data commons”
B. How to encourage public and private actors to follow open data policies rather than holding onto individual data resource while ensuring the right balance between data sharing and data protection?

12.30 - 14.00

Virtual coffee is offered on REMOTELY GREEN*

Proposals of the breakout groups are published online: stay tuned
14.30 – 15.00
Opinion poll on the proposals

Reconvening in the plenary

The key ideas emerging from each breakout group will be submitted to all participants

Moderator : Jovan Kurbalija, Founding Director of Diplo Foundation and Head of Geneva Internet Platform

15.00 – 16.00
Session 2 – How do we move forward :
Win-win solutions for data sharing

The panel will discuss the two questions A. and B. of the brainstorming breakout group session and bring as well specific views on the proposals made collectively by the audience.

  • Zeynep Engin, Senior Research Associate, UCL, London
  • John Wilbanks, Chief Commons Officer at Sage Bionetworks
  • Alex Sceberras Trigona, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta
  • Veronica Cretu, Governance Lead, Innovating Governance Association Austria
  • Mitchell Baker, Executive Chairwoman and CEO of the Mozilla Foundation and of Mozilla Corporation

Moderator: Tim Smith, Head Collaboration, Devices, Applications at CERN

The participation of some panelists (session 1. and 2.) might be subject to changes

16.00 – 16.15
The proposals of Dialogue 3. for the UN World Data Forum

The synthesis
Jovan Kurbalija

Closing remarks
Jean-Pierre Reymond

Virtual coffee
If you would like to meet randomly panelists and participants around a virtual cup of coffee and have a chat on data issues, connect REMOTELY GREEN during virtual coffee time. You are invited to register in advance on https://remotely.green/. If you have already registered previously, REMOTELY GREEN will welcome you again.


Jean-Pierre Reymond
Dorothy Tembo
Eckhard Elsen
Diego Kuonen
Nuria Oliver
Thierno Ibrahima Diop
Marion Jansen
Alica Daly
Yannick Heiniger
Craig Burgess
Jovan Kurbalija
Zeynep Engin
John Wilbanks
Alex Sceberras Trigona
Veronica Cretu
Tim Smith