Monday, 19th October 2020, online

Cross-sectoral digital cooperation: How the international Geneva ecosystem can bring its contribution towards an enhanced data integration to better achieve SDGs


Monday, 19th October 2020

All times are given in CEST

16.00 - 16.10
Welcome and opening remarks

Jürg Lauber (Ambassador; Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva)

Jovan Kurbalija (Founding Director, DiploFoundation; Head, Geneva Internet Platform (GIP))

16.10 - 16.40
The Road to Bern via Geneva process: A cross-sectoral approach to data governance

Samira Asma (Assistant Director-General, Division of Data, Analytics and Delivery for Impact, World Health Organization (WHO))
Petteri Taalas (Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO))
Eckhard Elsen (Director for Research and Computing, CERN; Member, CERN Directorate)
Dorothy Tembo (Deputy Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC))
Houlin Zhao (Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union (ITU))

Moderator: Jürg Lauber (Ambassador; Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva)

16.40 - 17.10
The Geneva Data Cooperation Sandbox

Proposal for a Data Cooperation Hub Platform and the principles behind it
Jean-Pierre Reymond (Chargé de mission; Head, Innovation Partnerships, Permanent Mission of Switzerland in Geneva)
Jovan Kurbalija (Founding Director, DiploFoundation; Head, Geneva Internet Platform (GIP))


Moderator: Jovan Kurbalija

17.10 - 17.15
Closing remarks

Jürg Lauber (Ambassador; Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva)


The session will be taking place virtually on the Attendify platform. In order to attend the session, receive information on this and other sessions, and to receive the link to the Zoom room for the discussion, kindly follow the two-step process below.

Follow the two-step process:

  1. Register on Attendify  to get your ticket. You will receive your ticket via e-mail.
  2. Follow the instructions on your ticket to access the 2020 Virtual UN World Data Forum, and to join the sessions

For more details, visit the UN World Data Forum website here.


Jean-Pierre Reymond
Prof. Petteri Taalas
Dorothy Tembo
Eckhard Elsen
Jovan Kurbalija
Houlin Zhao
Dr Samira Asma
Amb Jürg Lauber